Friday 15 February 2013

Amazing Offices

I've just spent the last half hour reading about some of the most amazing offices around the world. It's almost impossible to believe that these places exist and people actually work in them, but they do.

Here's one example:

Tell me you wouldn't like to work there? Serviced offices have come a long way! Telford isn't quite home to anything this epic just yet, but it's surely only a matter of time, as we have more and more eccentric architects experimenting in the area.

Of course you can stay home and have a virtual office, which some of you may choose for a variety of reasons, but going to work in a place that makes you go 'wow' every time you walk up to it can only be good for morale.


But what IS a serviced office?

If you're looking to rent serviced offices in Telford, you may find yourself swamped in a minefield of places not up to scratch, or overcharging. Telford is a well known area for businesses to set up their offices, so there's a lot of demand for the more unscrupulous types to take advantage.


Here, we recommend Telford Business Centre as they've helped loads of businesses with their perfect offices in the area.

But okay, yes, what exactly is a serviced office, eh?

Well, if you're a business start up, you probably don't want to fork out for a dedicated building and all the associated costs that go with it without knowing your exact requirements. I mean, who knows, a year from now, you may need more phonelines, or faster broadband access, more car parking spaces, and they all carry costs.

A serviced office carries much flexibility and costs a lot less than that. In most cases, office space can be rented from one workstation upwards, with a wide range of contract options. Depending on the office, extra features such as furniture, phone lines etc may also be offered.


This is perhaps the best way to test the waters for a larger operation, or if you require a 'satellite' office, this would most likely be the most cost effective solution.



Saturday 3 November 2012

Cool Office Buildings

We all want to work somewhere nice, like being at home almost but it's work. a breathtaking view with not too many distractions. However, the need for a well designed,flashy office is a must nowadays, with the basics like electricity, internet and heat being vital. Other stuff like carpet is just a bonus, but there's always slippers or small carpet offcuts tied to the feet with twine. 


Some offices are just breathtaking nowadays, with the latest designs catching the eyes of many people. quite frankly, if i worked in some of these offices in question, i wouldnt care what job i had to do, because i would be inside the building itself, appreciating it from the inside.

However, not everyone can afford to build their dream office, and instead have to look for cheap offices to rent or even shared offices to rent in order to get by.

You can just about rent out any type of office nowadays, from executive offices all the way to virtual offices and even car parking rentals

Now an office i would like to own!

Friday 5 October 2012

cool office building 1

We all want to work somewhere nice, like being at home almost but it's work, with a quite minimalist view, not too many distractions, but nevertheless a view to keep our souls fed when we work for 'th man'. I have to say I've never been to good at working for th eman, so I prefer to work for my self. However, the need for a well designed quality office, with the basics like electricity, internet and heat are vital. Other stuff like carpet is just a bonus, but there's always slippers or small carpet offcuts tied to the feet with twine. This may not go down well at meetings when shoes woudl obviously be required.

Obviously, if you're really lucky you get an office designed by a real architect like Richard Rodgers. Then you don't care who you work for or what you're asked to do, cos you're in 'the office';


What would you rather do spend hours in a rectangular box with artificial lighting, small windows and unreliable heating, or givbe your right arm to work in a glass guerkin with advanced electronic ventilation system, which would mean you were double cool.


Monday 20 August 2012

Charity fundraiser rule change

Chairites in the business center U.K now face a barage of rules to follow, and if any of these are breached the charity may be fined at least £1,000. offices

The rules restrict the street fundraisers from following a person for more than 3 steps, which is actually probably welcome, as sometimes, charity fundraisers can be a bit overzealous, when it comes to the aqcusition of funds.
click here
The scheme is being introduced after a year long trial, the enforcing body will be the Public Fundraising Regulatory Association (PFRA).
office accomodation
The new regime means that street fundraisers must not stand within 3m of a shop doorway, cashpoint, pedestrian crossing or station entrance. Which is probably a good thing again as these areas could maybe guilt trip someone into giving funds away when they had no original intention of doing so.

They are also not allowed to sign up anyone to a direct debit, who is unabe to give informed consent, ie someone who is taking drink/ drugs or disabled.
see more
They are also unable to approach members of the public who are working.


Thursday 16 August 2012

Nigerian app market

The app market business centre in Nigeria may seem a little strange when you compare it to the market over in the western nations. Over here the norm is for a lrger amount of free apps, with in-app advertising or paid for features, this has been concluded as the best model to follow with your app. However, in Nigeria it appears that paid for apps seem to hold a lot of bouyancy over there, they have $10 apps at the top of their download charts, service office they also appear to adore the scriptures of christianity and islam, with 'Message Bible' being launched at relatively the same time as Angry Birds, in Nigeria message bible was a smash hit, reaching no.15 top grossing apps on the Iphone, in the USA however, it didn't even reach 600.
click here
Popular Nigerian apps are expensive, costing around $10, 'QuickOffice Pro' made the top ten and it cost $15. Comparing their market to the USA's, in the USA, 9/10 top apps are free. Why is this? Is it because that most iphones bought in Nigeria are by rich people, yet in America, see more everyone seems to have one? Could it be because it may work out cheaper in the long run, ie. A Nigerian may buy a bible and scriptures for around $100, or they could buy the app for $10.

One thing which could be true, is the slim demographic in which the Nigerian app market is propped up by, it appears that it is a small few who are purchasing these apps, maybe suggesting they are affluent people willing to purchase expensive apps.


Wednesday 15 August 2012

The train.

Richard Branson, boss of Virgin, which I'm sure you knew. business centre Well, Richard Branson has lost his bid to continue running the west coast mainline in the UK, it's contract will be going to FirstGroup, the small office space apparently largest rail operator here.

They have released statements suggesting that they will be "offering substantial improvements in the quality and frequency of services". rent office Which is hardly suprising, I'd be more intruiged if I heard they were downgrading the quality of the service and they were going to make sure the trains were late. Richard Branson has also said that this is 'very dissapointing news', which I hate to say, but thats kind of obvious as he had just lost a part of his business. I'd be surprised if he said he was ecstatic at the news.

Anyway, unions and rail compaigners haver argued jobs will be cut, fares will rise and catering services will be cut back. office space Well, aren't people employed if they are needed? so as such if there was any need for cuts it's because it wouldn't of been running efficiently? Therefore in turn this should reduce fares? You'd hope anyway.

FirstGroup, which is based in Aberdeen, already operate a variety of networkds including Great Western and ScotRail.

office hire

The company, under the name First West Coast Limited, will take over the franchise from 9 December and is due to to operate the service until 2026.