Thursday 16 August 2012

Nigerian app market

The app market business centre in Nigeria may seem a little strange when you compare it to the market over in the western nations. Over here the norm is for a lrger amount of free apps, with in-app advertising or paid for features, this has been concluded as the best model to follow with your app. However, in Nigeria it appears that paid for apps seem to hold a lot of bouyancy over there, they have $10 apps at the top of their download charts, service office they also appear to adore the scriptures of christianity and islam, with 'Message Bible' being launched at relatively the same time as Angry Birds, in Nigeria message bible was a smash hit, reaching no.15 top grossing apps on the Iphone, in the USA however, it didn't even reach 600.
click here
Popular Nigerian apps are expensive, costing around $10, 'QuickOffice Pro' made the top ten and it cost $15. Comparing their market to the USA's, in the USA, 9/10 top apps are free. Why is this? Is it because that most iphones bought in Nigeria are by rich people, yet in America, see more everyone seems to have one? Could it be because it may work out cheaper in the long run, ie. A Nigerian may buy a bible and scriptures for around $100, or they could buy the app for $10.

One thing which could be true, is the slim demographic in which the Nigerian app market is propped up by, it appears that it is a small few who are purchasing these apps, maybe suggesting they are affluent people willing to purchase expensive apps.


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