Monday 20 August 2012

Charity fundraiser rule change

Chairites in the business center U.K now face a barage of rules to follow, and if any of these are breached the charity may be fined at least £1,000. offices

The rules restrict the street fundraisers from following a person for more than 3 steps, which is actually probably welcome, as sometimes, charity fundraisers can be a bit overzealous, when it comes to the aqcusition of funds.
click here
The scheme is being introduced after a year long trial, the enforcing body will be the Public Fundraising Regulatory Association (PFRA).
office accomodation
The new regime means that street fundraisers must not stand within 3m of a shop doorway, cashpoint, pedestrian crossing or station entrance. Which is probably a good thing again as these areas could maybe guilt trip someone into giving funds away when they had no original intention of doing so.

They are also not allowed to sign up anyone to a direct debit, who is unabe to give informed consent, ie someone who is taking drink/ drugs or disabled.
see more
They are also unable to approach members of the public who are working.


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